Monday, May 19, 2014

Kramer Chronicles-Behind the Scenes at Bearton Abbey

Hey, it's me, Kramer. As you know I am the stage manager for the beloved series, Bearton Abbey.
My mom (aka director, photographer, and script writer) decided to post some 'behind the scenes' shots. Of course, you will witness my creative prowess in action.

 Here I am making sure Steerforth's costuming is fitted properly
 Then I had to check his fur to ensure it was styled correctly for the scene.
(note to self-get mom to hire a costumer and fur dresser as all this work is cutting into my nap time).

Readjusting the stage curtain.

 Checking the camera angle.


Well, that's all for now. A sunny window spot has summoned me to nap!

Until next time,

Purs and meows,


1 comment:

  1. Kim,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I have been so busy but i will be by to visit soon and see what the Bears are up too....

