Hey, it's me Kramer.
I finally managed to get the computer logged on and post since my mom has been so lazy lately.
Let me show you what has distracted her
(as if anything could distract a person from this handsome face).
This thing!
Yup, mom got a new sewing machine as a gift from dad for their 25th wedding anniversary.
Sew now all she does is sew.
Sewing projects are littering the house!
(my litter is the only litter that should be in the house).
All of this sewing neglect drove me to desperate measures, after all, I should receive all of her attention.
I tried feigning hunger,
even cuteness.
but to no avail.
Then I realized I needed to take action so I took her sewing kit hostage,
I attempted to chew the tape measure in half...
(now this is desperation-I'm acting like a stupid dog)!
and tangling all of her threads.
But still she sews.
Hmph, who am I kidding?
I'll just wait it out.
Surely she'll run out of fabric soon, right?
Until next post,
Purrs and Meows,