The lovely fragrance of lavender scenting the air with its deep violet petals glowing in the spring sunlight...
but there is something lurking beneath...
But not to worry because Lizzy is on the hunt!
First she sniffs them out,
then she watches for movement.
The lizzard seems to have scurried to the nearby potted plants so the sniffing begins again...
followed by a quick side glance for movement.
There's something beneath the ivy!
Stay calm, watch for it,
and then...
or not.
While Lizzie continues her lizzard hunt let's look at the lace part of the post:).
Last weekend was the Battle of Charleston.
We all wore our new dresses to the event:).
After some shopping it was time to join the other ladies for tea.
We enjoyed a fine day with friends.
As we left in our horseless carriage we noticed a bit of an anomoly for the era.
Somehow this excessively long carriage managed to get itself stuck on the dirt hump in the road.
(notice the hoop skirted ladies to the right-they were as astonished as we were:).
This is a predicament.
In the meantime Lizzie is still hunting lizzards by the straw bale...
the old flower pot...
and the empty flower pot.
I think Lizzie spent too much time in the heat looking for lizzards!
Now she's just laying in the sun laughing!
I guess that's 'the end' of this post:).